Tkinter is one of the most widely used libraries for creating Desktop Applications in Python..
Tkinter is a distributed python module developed to create user interaction(like value entry, uploading CSV files, etc) to the script without using python IDLE..
It is a cross-platform, stable, reliable, and easy to learn package.. it has a variety of commonly used GUI elements(like buttons, menus, labels, entry areas, etc) which are used to build the graphical interface. these elements are called Widgets.
Widgets are the Building blocks of GUI programming and are used to display information or get input from the user. Some frequently used widgets are mentioned below.
We developed a GUI application of Sentiment Analysis:
Browse File button to upload the csv file.
Uploading some random texts to predict sentiment, here i am uploading output2.csv.
I have selected some random text. and select the predict button to predict the sentiment.
Here, new window opens and ask for to select the specific prediction.
I have selected social_behaviour_pattern.
we predicted it with an beautiful interface to interact with your computer.